HERE IT IS! The new and improved cover ofĀ Junkland, the first book inĀ The HoardingĀ series. Some may ask, well, why did you change the cover in the first place? The first cover was already beautiful to begin with. But the first cover was NOT to genre.

The original cover screamed Dystopian:

And sinceĀ JunklandĀ is an epic fantasy adventure, avid fantasy readers would just skim over a cover art that speaks Dystopian. Cover art is what sells a book. And you only have a few precious seconds of someone’s attention while they’re browsing books. So it’s important to make sure your cover art is the correct genre that you’re selling in.

To make my new cover to genre, I researched the Top 100 ofĀ my genre on Amazon (epic fantasy and sword & sorcery). I then skimmed through all the SELF-PUBLISHED covers that were similar to my book to see what the trends were on covers.Ā Notice how IĀ didn’t look at the traditionally published books. This is because books that are traditionally published can do whatever they want. They don’t have to follow the market trends.Ā 

So I looked at the cover art colors, fonts, images, characters, objects, style, EVERYTHING. I added everything to an Excel file so I could figure out what showed up the most in all of these categories.Ā And then I had the cover art artist design a cover that matched the majority in these Top 100 Categories on Amazon.

And that’s it! It took a solid month of research, plus a lot of time waiting for the cover art to be finished, but it’s finally here and now available on Amazon šŸ™‚

Book Coaching

As many of you know, a few weeks ago IĀ announced my Book Coaching business. I’m super excited for this new direction in my life. I’ll be able to combine the last five years of teaching experience with what IĀ love most: writing.

IĀ no longer want to teach in the public schools. Instead IĀ want to helpĀ people who want to write a book to gain theĀ confidence, routine, and skills to do it in just three months. Just like my Book Coach did for me. I would not be where I am right now if it wasn’t for him. He opened my eyes to a whole new world of possibilities by teaching me about the publishing and writing world. Now I want to share that knowledge with you.

If you have a story idea and are struggling to get it down on paper, or know someone who is struggling, hop on a FREE discovery call where we’ll discuss your writing goals: