WOOOO! I am fricken done and it feels amazing!


Victory screech indeed.

It has been a long yet fast month of writing and I honestly do not know how I developed 50,000 words in this time period. This took me months to do in my first book. But I am not done yet! I have a ton of outlining to do for my overall world in order to fill all my plot holes that I have developed while writing this new novel. I need to collect my comments from my Beta Readers, read over the draft I just wrote for NaNoWriMo, outlining, outlining, and some more outlining, and making my way to finishing my trilogy. I have a lot of work ahead of me…

Tomorrow, for Day 30 of NaNoWriMo, I will talk about my overall experience and review of NaNoWriMo and finally share not one but TWO sample chapters from my draft that I wrote this month! Get excited!

Floppy Salmon